Kingfisher Systems, Inc. (Kingfisher) strives to create a philanthropic culture amongst our Employees and actively contributes to local community, United States military, and national non-profit organizations. In the spirit of gratitude and helping others, Kingfisher participated in Fairfax County’s Adopt-a-Family Holiday Program and Movember and Move for Movember fundraisers for cancer prevention, research, and treatment.
For our sixth year running, Team Kingfisher supported our neighbors by collecting donations for Fairfax County’s Adopt-a-Family Holiday Program. The County’s Department of Family Services’ Children, Youth, and Families Division, works within the community to help families in need year-round. The County began the Adopt-a-Family outreach program in 2006 to accept donations each fall in preparation for the community’s expanded needs during the holidays. With contributions from County residents, faith-based groups, and neighborhood businesses like Kingfisher, Adopt-a-Family uplifts struggling families by providing desperately needed gifts, food, clothing, and financial assistance. Adopt-A-Family donors outdid themselves during the 2021 holiday season, providing gifts to families at an unprecedented level. More than 509 kind donors participated in bringing joy to 638 families.
Every November, Kingfisher hosts two fundraising activities, providing an opportunity for all Employees to raise money for cancer prevention, research, and treatment while having a little fun and promoting health. For our “Movember” event, all participants begin the morning of “1 Movember” clean-shaven and grow a mustache (“mo”) throughout the month. Employees use their mustaches as an invitation for a conversation to educate others on cancer awareness. Additionally, participating Employees raised money throughout the month as part of Kingfisher’s Move for Movember campaign. For this campaign, Employees tracked every mile they walk, run, or bike. Kingfisher donated to the American Cancer Society for every Employee who participated in each of the Movember events.
“Kingfisher is heartened by the generous participation of our Employees in contributing to these important causes year after year,” says Jason R. Bartos, Chief Financial Officer. “Kingfisher is honored to have the opportunity to serve our community once again.”
For more on Kingfisher Systems, Inc. and the non-profit organizations we support, please visit or call (703) 820-7970.